Saturday, January 9, 2010

Back At It Again

I know i've been away from this blog for i while
i think im going to start slowly coming back..
this school year has been a little hectic for me
but i came out on the top of my game..
im doing great in math [well greater then last year]
i have a 87 which is good
and then my other classes
which includes Spanish, PE, and American Literature
i did good in also...
its a great recovery from last year
but hapefully my GPA goes
i started off with a 3.75
and went down to a 3.25
because of that stupid math grade..
but anyways enough about school

My Christmas was good i got to see my uncle before he went to the middle east
[ ): May God go with him]
i got a new phone
which i needed badly
and i got some clothes and a iPod touch
and everything friendship wise is going good
but as this year goes on ill have more to talk about

:-) Tootles

and oh yeah i definitely do not like Young Berg
He's super Lame now
well he was always lame [lol]...

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Well today i went to walmart, it was just a regular trip. Well really my sister wanted to buy a hard covered wallet [Target was closed] but anyways she didnt find one so then my little brother wanted to look at some video games [really guitar hero cuz his birthdays comin up] while i go look at the phones[cuz my birthdays comin up too lol] well anyways i'm looking and playing with the phones and this dude that works at that section comes up to me and says "you know this section is closed" so then i say "well i'm just looking" i guess i started to back away a little while i was saying it and he says "you don't have to go" so then he starts askin me questions and stuff then he asked to look at my phone. me thinkin he's just askin for work purposes gives it to him, [i was totally wrong] he saw my wallpaper [which was a picture of myself] and i guess that made him want to look through my picture. i didnt even know he was looking through my pictures until he started say " your so beautiful". So i'm kinda in shock that he would be bold enough to sit there and go through my pictures and he even showed me a picture and told me that it was his favorite one he then asked me if i could send it to him but i said no[in a nice way]...while he continues to look i'm standing there tryna figure out how to get away without being mean but then [thank god] my sister calls and saves me lol.
That was the highlight of this boring day
but anyways i'm gone

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I know i haven't been on lately
let me tell you why...
Imma have to blame it on school
well really only my math class
its so freakin hard
i was failin the class
and i think i still am
but school just ended
and i tried my hardest
so i hope he [My teacher]
sees how hard i've been tryin
and boost me up to atleast a 70
cuz i know i'm in the 60's now
But anyways enough about school
summer just started
and i'm tryna win these tickets to Birthday Bash 14
cuz i dont got the money to buy them
and also Pleasure p's gonna be there
but thats not the only reason why i wanna go
it'll be the highlight of this summer
that i know is gonna be boring
Thats about it for now....

Sunday, May 3, 2009

2 New Loves

Yes its official, I like Trey Songz and Yung Berg...
Let me tell yall how this all happened
Okay friday [ yesterday] i was on the internet looking at some videos
I was super bored
So i came across a few Trey songz videos
and the way he talks to people
and the way he be making jokes
makes him seems like a down to earth person
and he's super sexy.
Now Yung Berg has this little web show
that he goes on almost everyday
and he just sits there and talks to all his fans
and he always trys to talk to every fan thats in his chat room thingy
even if he just says one thing to them
which i think is really sweet
and he gave me a shout out lol
[He was giving everybody shout outs but i still feel special]
oh and his eyes are so sexy
i could look into them all day
Just thought i'd share that with ya'll

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I love music, I don't know what i would do without it. I could say that music controls my mood and it reflects what i'm feeling. Like when i know i'm feeling right that day i'll listen to something that'll get me up and dancing. When i'm "down in the dumps" ill probably listen to something slow that'll have me thinking .
But really I can listen to anything and it'll lift my mood up. My favorite type of music would have to be R&B. I love it, It could drift me off to a place no one or thing can take me. it's like my addiction and i can't go anywhere without it.

I Love Music.

Music is my Life.


I just thought i'd say that i joined So Tight top100
So... Go rate me =))

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Rain, I wouldn't say i'm terrified of it cause I'm not. The soft sound of rain beating against your window is just lovely. But when you add the thunder and lightening that's where my fear comes from. The booms from thunder gets me so scared to the point that i shake and the big flashes of light you know isn't just from your TV has me ducking under my sheets at night. My stomach starts to hurt when i hear the tornado sirens come on. I've spent most of my life in florida so i'm not really use to the wind, lightening and thunder happening almost every week. Sometimes i wish i was back in florida the beautiful sun and blue skys.